TechMag TechKnowable ZulWeb FastTech Media ViralKaboom Enter to Study SYIQ BloggingKiss UrduGeeks If you're one of the thousands of people who turned to a side job to make ends meet in 2020, chances are you're still looking for the easiest and most efficient ways to earn some extra money in 2021. You can be a skilled IKEA furniture assembler, experienced in helping your friends move, or just good at household chores, and rigs like Handy are an easy way to try side jobs without making a big upfront investment. Data from HomeAdvisor shows that 86% of homeowners say they are spending more time at home due to the pandemic and that spending on home improvements has risen $ 745 year-over-year. Handy reports that 71% of the "professionals" on his platform believe that there is a shortage of qualified traders, which means that there is plenty of work for everyone who wants to enter the industry. The cost of entering the home services market, particularl...